Does contaminated water come into your house too know how You can check through TDS

Does contaminated water come into your house too know how You can check through TDS

It is a common problem to have dirty water in homes during monsoon. Many times, all the members of the house fall ill due to drinking contaminated water and it has the worst effect on children. But do you know how you can check the contaminated or poisonous water coming into the house? Today we will tell you how you can test the water.

dirty water

It is common to get dirty and poisonous water in small and big cities during the rainy season. But many times, most of the people drink the water because they do not know its actual condition. But today we will tell you how you can test the water.

Water needs

The body needs water the most. Many parts of the body can stop working if water is not available for a long time. Drinking water is very important during the summer season. This keeps the body hydrated. According to doctors, 2.5 liters to 3 liters of water should be consumed daily during the summer season. By drinking this amount of water daily, you will be protected from many diseases and along with this, the chances of having problems like kidney stones are also very low.

How will the water be checked?

Now the question is how can water be checked when its test is bad. Because there are many minerals present in water. Along with this, there are many such substances present in it, whose excess quantity can harm you. Apart from this, if there is more amount of calcium, sodium and magnesium in water, then drinking water can damage your kidneys.

Let us tell you that there are TDS meters to check water. These are easily available in the market, and with this you can check the test of water very easily. To check the quality of water, the TDS meter has to be put in the water. After this, it shows you the TDS level in it. Which tells whether the water can be drunk or not. According to the World Health Organization, if the TDS level in water is between 100 to 250 parts per million, then this water is drinkable. You check by putting a TDS meter in 1 liter of water, if the number of TDS in it is between 300 mg to 600 mg. In that case, the water can be drunk. If it is more than this, the water is not drinkable.

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